Library Board of Trustees

The Stoughton Public Library Board meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. In addition, all Library Board members serve on at least one Library Board committee.

The Board comprises nine voting members appointed by the Mayor and empowered by Wisconsin State Statute. One member is a City Council representative appointed by the Mayor and one is the school superintendent or their designee. The remaining members are interested volunteers from the library service area. The whole board meets on the third Wednesday of each month with board committees meeting as needed. The agenda for each meeting is posted at the library and is available on this website. The public is invited to attend any of the open meetings that have topics of interest to them. The general purpose of the board is to hire the library director, approve long-range goals, provide financial oversight, develop policies, and to create a statement of mission and vision that articulates the library's goals for service to the community.

Current Members

Ken Axe Dane County Representative
Kristin Rosenberg Stoughton Area School District Representative
Amy Ketterer  
Teri LeSage President
Jean Ligocki Vice President and City Council Representative
Sharon Meilahn Bartlett  
Erin Meinholz  
Dayna Verstegen  
Siri Vienneau Student Trustee

Planning Committee

Sharon Meilahn Bartlett (chair)

Jean Ligocki

Teri LeSage

Siri Vienneau, Student Trustee

Personnel Committee

Ken Axe

Kristin Rosenberg

Amy Ketterer

Policies Committee

Ken Axe

Erin Meinholz

Dayna Verstegen

Finance Committee

Teri LeSage

Sharon Meilahn Bartlett

Erin Meinholz (chair)

Friends of the Library Representative
